Monday 30 March 2009

Weigh in week 7

I have lost another 2lbs this week. Another 3.5lbs and I will drop another bmi point, I have decided to set this as my next mini goal.

I am struggling to find any motivation for weightwatcher's at all. I know that I am doing this for a healthier me but I still don't feel in "the zone" if you know what I mean. I will plod on none the less because even though I haven't found my mojo since starting this program (again) I am losing weight and that's a positive thing.

I have this great fear that when I finally get to goal this time that I am going to have an awful lot of excess skin, it's giving me very detailed nightmares. I suppose I really need to look at the positives of this journey and not the negatives.

Well let's hope I can stay focused this week and have another loss next monday. I'll blog again soon, take care xx

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