Monday 30 March 2009

Weigh in week 7

I have lost another 2lbs this week. Another 3.5lbs and I will drop another bmi point, I have decided to set this as my next mini goal.

I am struggling to find any motivation for weightwatcher's at all. I know that I am doing this for a healthier me but I still don't feel in "the zone" if you know what I mean. I will plod on none the less because even though I haven't found my mojo since starting this program (again) I am losing weight and that's a positive thing.

I have this great fear that when I finally get to goal this time that I am going to have an awful lot of excess skin, it's giving me very detailed nightmares. I suppose I really need to look at the positives of this journey and not the negatives.

Well let's hope I can stay focused this week and have another loss next monday. I'll blog again soon, take care xx

Sunday 29 March 2009

ok I'm officially ....

...... rubbish at remembering to update my blog lol

I haven't blogged for 2 weeks :-O disgraceful I know. I have had losses on both of those weeks and am now at a total loss of 15.5lbs (hoping that this will be more tomorrow).

Loads of things have happened in the last couple of weeks but nothing of interest.

So on that note I am going to bed and will update tomorrow with weigh in details and anything that I can think that happened in the last week.

Good night anyone who reads this xx

Thursday 12 March 2009

A special mid-week post

This post is dedicated to my mum. As of last night she has reached goal and I am soo proud of her. Like me she has struggled over the years with her weight, dieted, given up and then put more weight back on.

BUT this time she has stuck with the weightwatchers plan and has reached GOAL.

Mum if you ever get to read this please know that you are an inspiration to me and I am so proud of you and so pleased that you have achieved what you set out to do. No matter how difficult it got you stuck with it and have reached your target. WELL DONE MY MUM!

Monday 9 March 2009

Weigh in week 4

I am thrilled to report a 3lb loss this week - taking me to a total of 12lbs ..... this means I have lost the same amount of weight as my baby weighs right now, so that's my first mini goal reached. Next mini goal is to lose a stone, I'm hoping that I can do it this week but if not it will happen the week after. The most important thing that's happening is that the weight is coming off which isn't bad as I had absolutely no motivation when I started this journey and I can't say that I have an awful lot of motivation now either - for all that the weight is going down and that is important in my quest to be healthy for my children.

I have a new addiction ....... blueberries. Oh my goodness they are so delicious but also expensive so will have to be an occasional treat I'm afraid.

I have managed to get through the day under my points allowance which I didn't think I would do as I had to have birthday cake with cream today but I've pointed it and I've still come 7.5 under for the day.

Maybe I am more motivated than I thought I was. I'm determined to get myself healthier.

I did my measurements today and already I have lost 42.5cms - unbelievable for having only lost 12lbs, very impressed by that.

Anyway I have rambled enough for today so I'm going to sign off and head to bed.

Good luck to everyone for weigh in's this week. Take care xx

Monday 2 March 2009

Weigh in week 3

Happy to report a 1lb loss this week - total now 9lbs in 3 weeks. Yes I would like it to be more BUT small steps add up to big strides :o)

Now that the weather is improving a bit I am managing to go out walking every day why you ask, can't I walk in the rain well I can but I don't think it's fair on my 12 week old baby to b out in horrible weather.

I'm now 5lbs away from my first stone and I'm hoping to get there in the next 3 weeks. Realistically I have set my goals for 1-2lbs a week and anything over that is a bonus. That means that on my realistic goal I should reach my first stone loss by 30th March but being as I am "only" 5lbs away from it I would really like to see it sooner.

I am hoping to get my mini trampoline out of the garage today and finally get it put together - it's only been out there for about 2 years in the box lol also my friend is hopefully bringing my treadmill back soon so even in the horrible weather I will b able to get some walking done.

I would love to see a substantial loss bu christmas this year - even be close to goal but I think I am putting too much pressure on myself for this. So I am aiming for about a 60lb loss by then, anything more than that will be a huge bonus :o)

So onwards and lighter I go - I WILL MAKE IT TO GOAL THIS TIME!