Monday 23 February 2009

Weigh in week 2

Oh my goodness I am so frustrated - I stayed the same at my weigh in this week. I haven't gone over my points at all. I think the problem is that I haven't eaten all of my points. In response to this I have done what I said I wasn't going to do this time - everything I have eaten today has been high pointed things - on saying that all I have eaten is 2 pieces of cake so I'm nowhere near going over my points yet.

I knew I was going to struggle with this journey because I'm not in the zone - I have absolutely no motivation to "diet" although I don't see weightwatchers as a diet but a lifestyle change.

I suppose I should focus on the fact that I didn't gain hey. Maybe I will convince myself of that over the course of the evening.

On other notes I've had a lovely half term with my two boys and my other half got a couple of days off too so we went to my parents for a long weekend. It was my eldest's birthday - no I didn't eat too much party food lol I pointed everything I ate. It was nice because that was the first time we have been down there since christmas and they had a chance to spend time with my youngest who has changed loads since christmas lol

Well onwards and downwards with regard to the weight loss - hopefully this week my body will catch up and lose a couple of pounds lol

Hope everyone is well and good luck to all with their weigh ins.

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