Monday 9 February 2009

First Weight Loss Post

So here I am on a weight loss journey once again. This time though I am determined to get to goal - not to be thin, but to be healthy. I have two beautiful children that need me in good health.

I have struggled with my weight all throughout my teens and all of my adult life - it's time to do something about it and stick to it. I've done this before (although not reached goal but I did lose close to 10st) but always fallen off the wagon, this time I have glued myself to the front seat so there is no chance of falling off!! I'm by no means back to my heaviest weight but I'm not happy with my current weight.

I'm hoping that by writing my journey in this blog that it will keep me focused and on track - well 99.99999999% of the time anyway. It's time to stop beating myself around the head about my weight and time to get the action going. I am going to set myself some mini goals, achievable and realistic ones. The other thing is I don't like admitting to anyone what I weigh - but there is a certain amount of anonymity to blogging and it's almost like saying it out loud.

First Mini Goal

Lose 7lbs by March 9th Weigh In

That's less than 2lbs a week so I believe this to be achievable - if I don't do it then I'm seriously doing something wrong.

Other Mini Goals

Be in the 17stsomething by next week (shouldn't be difficult I'm 18st1!!)
Reach 5% loss by March 23rd - (240lb - 13lb to lose)
Reach 10% loss by May 4th (228 - 25lb to lose)
lose 45lb by birthday (36 weeks to do it)

ok the last one isn't so mini - but I need to stay focused!

I have worked out that if I lose 2lbs per week I can lose 90lbs by christmas - ok this probably isn't achievable so I am aiming to lose 60lbs by christmas that's 1.5lbs a week. I may not get there but it will be interesting to see how close I can get!!

If you have read this far, thanks and I promise to keep this blog updated!!

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